
Showing 8 of 56 articles

China-New Zealand Relations – Trade, Investment, and Diplomacy


During PM Chris Hipkins’ recent state visit, China and New Zealand signed a series of new commitments to deepen collaboration in a broad range of fields.

China Considers Extending its EV Subsidies to 2023 (updated)


China EV subsidies could be extended if the government considers it necessary to stimulate the market, besides tackling slow growth in the auto industry.

Powering the Future: Investing in China’s Photovoltaic Industry


We discuss the strategic advantages and investment opportunities in China’s photovoltaic (PV) industry, which leads global installed capacity and manufacturing capabilities.

Understanding China’s Rapidly Growing Healthcare Market


China’s healthcare industry is experiencing rapid growth, driven by rising incomes, increasing health awareness, and an aging population. It presents a broad range of opportunities for businesses and investors looking to provide innovative and high-quality products and services.

China’s Middle Class – Growth, Policy, and Consumption


China’s middle class is the largest in the world and represents a key driver to the country’s development and socio-economic dynamics.

China Extends Raft of Preferential Tax Policies and Fee Cuts


Further extensions to China’s preferential tax policies will help support small and low-profit companies and key industries.

What to Expect from China’s 2023 Two Sessions and Government Work Report


With the 2023 Two Sessions starting this weekend, we discuss possible outcomes for the economy, industry, regional policy, and foreign investment.

Investing in China’s Meat Industry: Trends and Opportunities


China is the world’s largest consumer of meat. We look at the competition, structure, product diversification, and latest trends in China’s meat market.

Showing 8 of 56 articles
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Related reading
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in China 2023 for US Companies
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in China 2023
  • Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
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